Want to make your 84-87 Fiero stop on a dime? This easy, inexpensive upgrade uses off-the-shelf GM parts to drastically improve stopping power. Detailed instructions, lots of photos. |
Five original and exciting stories from the Fiero Fiction Series. Discover GM's Secret Project, Race with a 300Z and a Porsche, Uncover the secrets hidden in the Fiero console, and discover a rare discarded Fiero. |
Want to know what leading automotive writers had to say about the Fiero back in 1981? Take a look at some introductory Fiero advertising? Go crusin' in the Super Duty Formula-Four? All of this and more - BIG .jpg images best viewed at 800 x 600 dpi. |
A cadre of fairly simple do-it-yourself projects designed to improve and enhance the Pontiac Fiero |
There are many more sections almost ready to go up. Please check back again for: More How-To articles - The right way to do Fiero body repairs and painting - Understanding and repairing your AC system - A Fiero FAQ for New Fiero Owners - More scans for "A Blast from the Past" - Photos of club events, rallies, autocrosses and more, more, more! |
All original contents inclusive to www.fierozone.com are Copyright by Randy T. Agee. All rights are reserved by the owner. |
fierozone.com is a registered domain. All inquiries to fierozone.com are forwarded to http:/FieroZone.tripod.com/index.html. Lycos is the provider of Tripod, a free internet web site provider. |
All e-mail addressed to: (any-name)@fierozone.com is automatically forwarded to ragee@erols.com. |
The FieroZone is a not-for-profit project operated by Randy & Nancy, Inc. of Mechanicsville, VA. The mission of The FieroZone is to provide technical and incidental information for the preservation and restoration of the 1984-88 Pontiac Fiero to all interested individuals. Proceeds from parts and publications offered for sale by The FieroZone are used to offset operational cost and to expand our inventory of parts and materials for the Fiero Enthusiast. |