On April 28, 2000, my good Fiero friend Bruce Walters and I piloted my big green Chevy pick-up from Mechanicsville, VA, to Huntsville, AL. We were in route to the second annual Fiero Swap Meet at The Fiero Factory. |
Bruce had driven down the night before from his home in PA, the truck was loaded with Fiero valuables, and we were off on a 1,200 mile, 4 day adventure into "FieroMania". |
That's Bruce standing there with his "what am I doing here" expression. Guess everyone else was sort of wondering the same thing. |
Our Host Ed Parks flips through printed swap meet materials while his wife, Rosey, talks to two visitors in the background. |
Like Ed, Rosey Parks loves her coffee - which is why you rarely catch either one of them without a cup in their hand. |
I have never seen this lady with anything but a smile on her face - that's what the Park's are all about. |
After the 1999 Swap Meet, George Ryan started a campaign to raise money to buy Ed and Rosey a real sign for the Fiero Factory. It was great to see the sign in place for the second swap meet. |
Our fair madien, Roberta, a Fiero GT owner and Swap Meet Participant, displays the plaque with the names of all of the donors who made the Fiero Factory sign possible. The plaque now hangs on the wall inside the Fiero Factory. |